Sunday, March 1, 2015

Blog Post 7

A girl using an iPad in the classroom.    Technology is rapidly changing. It is important that we, as future educators, learn to use technology efficiently. The best way to actively incorporate technology in the classroom is through Project Based Learning. This allows students to participate with his or her peers and others from around the world through the use of technology. When the students work in groups they understand the importance of working with others. I know that if I were taught with the use of Project Based Learning I would not be as shy as I am today.
    Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. When it comes to Project Based Learning some of my weaknesses are that I just learned about it, so PBL is a new concept I need to grasp. I also do not know everything that can be utilized when it comes to PBL. A couple of my strengths are that since I am learning PBL, as a sophomore, I have a few years to practice before I can use it in my classroom. Also, since I am in EDM 310, I get to practice by being in a PBL group and completing projects throughout the semester.
Picture of books with an iPad on top.    These videos gave great insight on how classrooms are changing, for the better, with technology. The video Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten explains the use of iMovie and AVL to help children. These Kindergarten students used the same iMovie trailer software that we use in EDM 310. These students chose a book and made a trailer about it; this is the exact same work that is equivalent to project #8. If Kindergarten students know how to perform this task every teacher should know how to explain and execute this project. Alabama Virtual Library is a great, free, source for each child to use. AVL is a resource younger and older children can use to practice research. If I had been shown this as a child, my future research work would have been better. The video We All Become Learners explains how, with technology, everyone is a learner. Everyone in the classroom is a learner, including teachers. Students are known for teaching concepts, mostly technology, to their teachers. As a teacher, I am all for the fact that being a teacher you have to be a lifelong learner. IPads in the Classroom is about how iPads help learning, not hurt it. One of the teachers, in the video, explained that using the iPad, is like taking a virtual field trip everyday. As a teacher, I plan to utilize the use of iPads if they are available to me. Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education includes the reasons why technology is great for education. Technology allows children to become eager and excited to learn. I plan to use as much constructive technology in the classroom as I can.

1 comment:

  1. Brandi,
    I couldn't agree with you more about technology and the pace of its growth. In our gereration today Project Based Learning not only benefits the student but the teacher as well. I myself still have a lot to learn about PBL but I'm very eager to incorporate in my future classroom.

    - Johanna
